The moment you check out Lapalingo Online Casino,, you know you will enjoy the experience. The nice clean simple appearance and design is very pleasing to the eye without all the cluttered graphics of so many other sites. Lapalingo features over 700 slots games that can be played by instant play and can be enjoyed on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority Lapalingo accepts players from around the world except the United States and Turkey.
Pros & Cons
- Casino holds a gaming license
- Live dealers games
- Many games providers
- Bitcoins are not accepted
- Casino supports few currencies
Casino Information
- License: Malta
- currencies: Euro
- Live Chat: Not Available
Payment Methods
Game Providers
Available Games
Lapalingo Bonuses
More than 700 slots games, video poker, table games, scratch card, live casino and jackpot games. With more than 700 slots games you will certainly find your favourite or new games such as NRVNA, Starburst, Gonzo’s Quest and Jack and the Beanstalk. Software providers and developers such as Lionline, Merkur, NetEnt, BallyWulff, GameArt, Microgaming and Reel Time Gaming a guaranteed to provide you an excellent gaming experience.
With such great game providers and developers providing so many games Lapalingo is a casino that must be checked out. The generous welcome bonus and free spins is a great way to get started. If you have questions there is an excellent FAQ section and if that still did not help you can contact Lapalingo by completing the contact form and receiving a quick response.
No fee instant deposits can be made using Visa, Mastercard, Paysafecard, Sofort, Neteller, Skrill, Giropay, Dotpay, Przelewy24,, Webmoney. Withdrawals can be made using Bank transfer, Visa, Mastercard, Neteller and Skrill for a minor fee of just €1.